August Minutes 2023


Trustees of the Newton Public Library District met August 21st, 2023 at 5:00 P.M. Present were Travis Farley, Pete Pasero, Amanda Lessley, Jeanette Hickox, Ilene Woods, and Director Jacque Holsapple.

President Farley called the meeting to order.  Ilene Woods was appointed acting secretary in the absence of Secretary Emily Carroll.

Minutes of the July meeting were reviewed and stand as presented.

The treasurers report was reviewed and a motion was made by President Farley, seconded by Trustee Woods, to pay the July-August bills.  Motion passed.

Directors Report

Circulation for July was 3,448.  Money taken in was $755.50.  One non-resident, and nine new resident cards were issued.  Patron door count was 1704.

Old Business

Director Holsapple reported student worker, Kylie Beck’s last day was Friday Aug. 11th.  At her request, Director Holsapple asked to extend her employment to approximately 11-15 hrs. per week.  A motion was made by President Farley and seconded by Trustee Pasero to extend her employment, with a stipulation that this would be revisited as of May 31st, 2024.  Motion passed.

300 non-resident cards were printed and presented to JCCU #1  per previous payment in July.

Director Holsapple is continuing work on the IPLAR annual report.  It is almost completed and will be submitted.

New Business

Director Holsapple said she was approached by Ginger Robins about selling Usbourne books at the library for up to. but not over a week.  Half of the proceeds would be donated back to the library.  Trustee Woods made a motion to allow her to do this, seconded by Trustee Pasero.  Motion passed.

Director Holsapple reported two career practicum students were coming in from the high school, one in the morning and one in the afternoon for one class section.

Tax Levy 23-04 was reviewed and discussed.  A motion to accept tax levy 23-04 as presented was made by President Farley and seconded by Trustee Lessley.  Motion passed.

Director Holsapple announced the receiving of Orell Farley trust money and proposed the following use of the funds.

Mango Language Subscription

Mango is an online self-guided language learning platform and provides a mobile app to learn.  A one year subscription would be approximately $1000.00 and an additional $450.00 for Little Pim to aid children in learning.  A motion was made by Trustee Hickox and seconded by President Farley.  A motion was made by Trustee Hickox and seconded by President Farley to subscribe to this service for one year.  Motion passed.

Mobile Hotspot Devices

Director Holsapple had pricing from T-Mobile for two units which could be loaned out up to a month.  After discussion to also look into a Verizon plan, a motion was made by President Farley and seconded by Trustee Hickox to let Director Holsapple purchase two units.  Motion passed.

New Shelving

The third proposal was for new shelving consisting of three back to back bookshelves in the childrens section and one bookshelf in the adult section.  Mike Thomas submitted an estimate for $4467.00 for both.  A motion was made by President Farley and seconded by Trustee Woods to accept this bid.  Motion passed.

the Patron Conduct and Safe Child policies were reviewed and no changes made.


Upcoming Events

Quilt and craft show display Sept. 1st through the 15th.  Articles will be accepted starting Aug. 28th and voting will run from Sept. 1st to Sept 9th and the winner will be announced at the Fall Festival.

Book signing by Carolyn McIntosh and Victoria Stankus for their book “Remembering God’s Goodness through the Season of Life”.  This will take place Sept. 2nd from 10 to 1.

Story hour will be changed to every Wednesday at 4:00 PM for ages 0-7.

U of I is offering 5 free classes from 9/12 through 11/14 to discuss healthier lifestyles.  Registration is online.  

The library received a per capita grant of $6808.60 from the state and reviewed and discussed core standards for Governance and Administration as guided by this grant.

The next board meeting is Sept. 18th 2023.

Meeting adjourned.

Ilene Woods

Acting Secretary, Board of Trustees

Newton Public Library District

Newton Public Library District

Decennial Committee Meeting

August 21, 2023

The Newton Public Library District’s Decennial Committee met on August 21, 2023 at the Newton Public Library located at 100 S Van Buren St, Newton, IL.  The following committee members were in attendance in person:

Travis Farley

Ilene Woods

Amanda Lessley

Jeanette Hickox

Pete Pasero

Jacque Holsapple

The meeting was called to order at 6:39 by Chairperson Farley immediately following the library’s August  21, 2023 Board of Trustees Meeting.

Minutes of the July meeting were reviewed.  Travis Farley made a motion to approve the July minutes and Pete Pasero seconded, motion passed.

The committee reviewed the Decennial Committee on Local Government Efficiency Report to be submitted to the Jasper County Board.  Ilene Woods made a motion to approve the report and Jeanette Hickox seconded.  The motion passed unanimously.

Outside of committee members, there were no other district residences in attendance.

Meeting adjourned.

Emily Carroll

Secretary, Board of Trustees

Newton Public Library District