October Minutes 2023


Trustees of the Newton Public Library District met October 16, 2023 at 5:00 P.M.  Present was Travis Farley, Pete Pasero, Emily Carroll, Amanda Lessley, Jennifer Hinterscher and Director Jacque Holsapple.

President Farley called the meeting to order.

Minutes of the September meeting were reviewed and will stand as presented.

The financial report was reviewed.  Bills were presented.  President Farley made a motion to pay the bills, seconded by Trustee Pasero, motion passed. 

Director’s Report

Circulation for September was 2,802.  Money collected from fines, faxes, copier, book sales, cards, and miscellaneous was $215.95.  Thirty-three new cards were issued.  The patron door count for the month of September was 1,410.  They have had several participants visit the library in response to the Fifth Annual Library Crawl.

Old Business 

There was no Old Business to discuss.

New Business

The student employee tendered her resignation.  Trustee Pasero made a motion to fill the student employee vacancy, seconded by Trustee Hinterscher, motion passed.

There will be a Family Reading Night to be held on Thursday November 16, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.  There will be story time and a Paperpie (formerly Usborne) Book Fair with Ginger Robins.  the Paperpie Book Fair will be held the week of November 13 through November 18 during library hours and online.  Ginger Robins will be present Wednesdays, Thursday and Saturday to assist with questions and ordering.  Participants can browse and order books online.

The board tabled reviewing the Materials Selection and Collection Development Policy.

Per the Per Capita Grant Requirement, the board reviewed and discussed Chapter 7, 8, 9, & 10 (Collection Management, System Member Responsibilities and Resource Sharing, Public Services: Reference and Reader’s Advisory Services, Programming)

The next meeting is November 20, 2023.

Meeting adjourned.

Emily Carroll

Secretary, Board of Trustees

Newton Public Library District