March Minutes 2023


Trustees of the Newton Public Library District met March 20, 2023, at 5:00 P.M. Present was Deborah Urfer, Emily Carroll, Travis Farley, Jeanette Hickox, and Director Jacque Holsapple.

President Farley called the meeting to order.

Minutes of the February meeting were reviewed and will stand as presented. 

The Financial report was reviewed along with February bills. Trustee Hickox made a motion to pay the bills, seconded by Trustee Carroll, motion passed.

Director’s Report

Books acquired one-hundred forty-two. Books deleted, three-hundred sixty-five. February money collected from fines, faxes, copier, book, sale, cards and miscellaneous, $756.91.

The automatic door was not opening correctly from the street side. The contacts were cleaned.

April 4 is election day.  Three trustees are on the ballot to be elected.

Old Business

The application for non homestead property tax exemption has been filed for the storage room.

New Business

The current Certificate of Deposit and current rates was discussed.  Trustee Hickox made a motion to cash in the current Certificate and purchase a new Certificate from the People’s State Bank for thirteen months at a rate of 3.81%.  Seconded by Trustee Carroll motion passed.

A proposal for carpet cleaning from ESS Clean Inc. was submitted in the amount of $720.00.  It was the consensus of the Trustees to move forward with this and to have the carpet cleaned yearly.

Decennial Committee on Local Government Efficiency is a new Public Act created that requires certain units of local government to study local efficiencies and report to the county board within one year after the effective date and at least once every ten years thereafter.

Directors University is the continuation of training on diversity, equity, building strong relationships discussing difficult issues, budgeting, grant realities and more.  This will be held in Springfield, April 11-13 at a cost of $150.00.  Director Holsapple will be attending.

The Embarras River Tourism Council is continuing the project of planting the flower pots around the square.  They are seeking monetary donations at this time.  Trustee Hickox made a motion to donate $150.00 to sponsor a flower pot, seconded by Trustee Carroll, motion passed.

The next meeting will be April 17.

Meeting adjourned

Deborah L. Urfer

Secretary, Board of Trustees

Newton Public Library District